Cohort 8 Call 2 Replay – Includes Demo – 31st January 2022

Feb 3, 2022

Here’s our second call. Enjoy! The contracting for the demo begins at around 45′ 00″

Please respect confidentialities.

In listening again, you may wish to consider:

  • How do the Four Mantras show up here?
  • Were any of the 5 Freedoms invited? How did they show up?
  • What do you think about the importance and nature of contracting when working with the Wheel?
  • How are your thoughts about the segments, and the relationship(s) between them, evolving?
  • The question of the coach/consultant came up in our discussions. What are your current thoughts on the role and impact of subject matter expertise when using the Wheel?
  • What are the key insights, and questions, arising for you as a result of this call and the demo?