12:09:32 From Katerina Kanelidou (Greece) : Hello from just outside of Athens, in Greece
12:09:52 From Eileen Goldsack : hello from sunny Guildford.
12:09:59 From Sue Macmillan : Hi I’m Sue Macmillan calligraphies in from rural Bedfordshire in the UK
12:10:01 From Liz Nottingham : hello I’m in St Albans a good thing is moving my son into his first flat!
12:10:03 From Andrew Parsons : hi all, calling from Hertfordshire UK. Today is my daughters 25th birthday 😉
12:10:07 From Rashmi Shetty : Hello everyone! Rashmi from India
12:10:23 From Sue Macmillan : Good thing is planning for a welsh road trip!
12:10:24 From Katerina Kanelidou (Greece) : Happy birthday to Andrew’s daughter!
12:10:25 From Barbara : Hello, Barbara from Nottingham UK – one good thing recently is gratitude for having a garden and I have for the first time in my life I have made chutney with the fruits thereof!
12:10:26 From Tanya Nash : Hi everyone- I’m Tanya, based in Swansea in South Wales in the UK.
12:10:36 From Janet Mrenica | Ottawa, Ontario Canada : Hi everyone, remote from Ottawa, Canada. it is gloomy outside yet toasty inside my home!! In one month, a grandson is expected!
12:10:42 From Shruti Sonthalia : Hello from the warm city of Vadodara in India
12:10:50 From Andrew Parsons : thanks Katerina
12:10:53 From Rita Symons : Hello. Calling from UK. Main stress in my life is MS Teams. I am so enjoying connecting with so many positive people. Feeling the energy and makes me hopeful!
12:11:15 From Priti Sanghavi : Hello From Singapore, lovely evening after a nice yoga class.
12:11:24 From Jacqueline Stearn : Good morning wonderful people. I am joining from Stroud in Gloucestershire. Aside from the training today, I am starting mu first team coaching later this week. I am also working on some poems this week
12:11:26 From Sue Jackson : Hi from Sue Jackson in Penrith, Cumbria UK and just returned from wonderful short break on west coast of Scotland. Looking forward to learning together.
12:11:30 From Helen Jellicoe : hi I’m sitting in Leamington Spa. We have both adult sons with us at the moment and it feels like a special moment unlikely to crop up again
12:11:46 From Geof Ellingham : Hi – I’m in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK, using our latest lockdown rules to watch classic movies with my 16-year old daughter. Terminator last night!
12:11:55 From Jacqueline Davis : Hi Im Jackie calling in from West London Loving the quit and story behind it Veronica
12:12:15 From Jacqueline Davis : quilt not quit
12:12:34 From mathildegieling : Hi I am calling from lovely sunny Portugal. Just went for a beautiful walk along the cliffs.
12:13:48 From Veronica Lysaght : Welcome and so lovely to read your intros
12:13:55 From Meriel Reeve : Hello everyone – so lovely to meet you all and see your faces. I’m Meriel, here to help in your Neil’s Wheel journey. I’m based in Hove – will leave you now but will no doubt be in touch soon. All the best, Meriel
12:14:09 From Barbara : Are the break out groups ( if any) also recorded?
12:14:10 From Tanya Nash : Thanks Meriel!
12:14:57 From Tanya Nash : Will the slides be shared?
12:15:27 From Jacqueline Stearn : Will there be a comfort break?
12:16:51 From Katerina Kanelidou (Greece) : Do we have permission to share in social media?
12:23:21 From Rashmi Shetty : Agree Veronica! it’s been an amazing learning with the client for me too!
12:27:33 From Tanya Nash : How would you prefer us to ask questions- at the end or through the presentations or in the breakout rooms?
12:28:34 From Veronica Lysaght : Just add them to the chat and then we will ask in a group
12:29:20 From Tanya Nash : Thanks Veronica, can you share the Wheel with the client beforehand or introduce it in the coaching session.
12:31:42 From Tanya Nash : Thanks yes Neil
12:32:03 From Barbara : I was thinking, how do you do that screens cast so you can see people working on a document live?!
12:35:32 From Veronica Lysaght : Hi Barbara … I don’t know. Does anyone have that knowledge?
12:36:18 From Rita Symons : I did it this morning. It was a good discipline!
12:37:02 From Eileen Goldsack : I have already sent my pic and bio
12:37:13 From Helen Jellicoe : it says 250 words in the box?
12:37:24 From Veronica Lysaght : Thank you Rita and Eileen for setting the example.
12:38:07 From Janet Mrenica | Ottawa, Ontario Canada : tis 250 characters! discipline!
13:07:47 From Heather Monro : Just to say there’s no expectation for all groups to feedback – the space is open!
13:09:11 From Rita Symons : For me I think about it at three levels: how does this help at professional body level, with teams and with individuals. Will take action or play at all levels
13:10:36 From Heather Monro : Fabulous Rita! We’ve focussed a lot at an individual level but the possibilities at group / and indeed prof body level are really interesting.
13:12:44 From Tanya Nash : Teams came up with our group too.
13:13:01 From Jacqueline Stearn : I’m up for being part of a team cohort
13:18:39 From Janet Mrenica | Ottawa, Ontario Canada : i am curious about the results that will come forward from “achievement” coaching sessions using the wheel. in my experience, achievement coaching is focused: action plan. the wheel may open it up significantly!!
13:19:53 From Jacqueline Stearn : I would appreciate a triad too as it is useful to have a coach observing our coaching
13:20:56 From Tanya Nash : I have Barbara
13:21:00 From Janet Mrenica | Ottawa, Ontario Canada : Barbara i am interested in systemic!
13:21:17 From Shruti Sonthalia : Resonate deeply Barbara
13:21:18 From Liz Nottingham : me too!
13:21:28 From Rita Symons : Me too!
13:21:29 From Sue Macmillan : Me too
13:21:38 From Jacqui Syndercombe : Definitely interested in Systemic team coaching
13:21:48 From Jacqueline Stearn : I too am interested in the systemic approach – using constellations
13:21:55 From Andrew Parsons : me too, systems are the way forward
13:22:07 From Priti Sanghavi : count me in Barbara
13:23:19 From Barbara : Think I’ve hit a nerve here with systems!! Jacqueline, yes I’ll be in touch!
13:25:25 From Geof Ellingham : Me too… currently learning Systemic Modelling with Caitlin Walker – wonderful stuff
13:25:56 From Helen Jellicoe : me too re: systems
13:29:37 From Eileen Goldsack : thank you