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Neil’s Wheel – Five Years On
As Neil’s Wheel has moved further into the consciousness of coaching practitioners, we’re seeing a remarkable story continuing to emerge. How it is helping, nurturing, growing and supporting many people to achieve wonderful things, within themselves, within their...
Neil’s Wheel en français!
Neil’s Wheel is now available in French!
Do you care about this too? – How can a concerned and responsible professional coach invite clients to a bigger conversation?
We’re delighted that Coaching Perspectives magazine, hearing and experiencing the effect of Neil’s Wheel in coaching conversations, asked for a thought-provoking and informative piece to share with professional coaches globally. This is the result. Published in...
How to open up conversations that drive change for a better world: easily, consistently & confidently
Are you a coach or leader that's shocked, upset or inspired to make a difference by what you're seeing in the news? Together with #Janet Harvey we're speaking on HOW TO OPEN UP CONVERSATIONS THAT DRIVE CHANGE FOR A BETTER WORLD: EASILY, CONSISTENTLY AND CONFIDENTLY at...
Using Neil’s Wheel to speak with more clients, more easily about the climate & more – 17th August (watch the recording) & 21st September 2020
Would you like an easy way to consistently open deeper conversations with clients? Something that can get them reflecting on the environment, and more. Something that helps them connect what's happening out in the world, and within them, and potentially step into...
Using Neil’s Wheel to drive change for a better world – 9th to 11th September 2020
Neil will be speaking at the 2020 Be.Choose.Cause. Global Leaders Conference (BCC) this September. BCC is a virtual social progress event driven by the vehicle of coaching, offering the rare opportunity to sit at the feet of global change agents. The event is designed...
Introducing Neil’s Wheel to the German Coaching Community – 12th November 2020
Neil will be speaking about Neil's Wheel as part of Coachingtag 2020 hosted by the ICF Coaching community in Germany on 12th and 13th November 2020. The subject of his talk will be: How to open up conversations that drive change for a better world – easily,...