08:15:16 From Lynn Scott : Has anyone used the wheel in a group context – with a group of individuals rather than a team.
08:15:57 From : Using the word “legacy” and the word “footprint” too…
08:16:17 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : Want to know how to host a drawing wheel.
08:16:21 From Liz Hall : Not really important, but I used the tool in a coaching style chat with my mathematician husband and he didn’t like the description ‘segment’s- says should be sectors…I know doesn’t really matter but he said he’d bristle if a coach used the wrong words
08:16:39 From Sari Ajanko : I’m curious to hear what has come up for the BLANK sector.
08:16:54 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : Also the meaning of … dot dot dot
08:17:24 From Lynn Scott : slices!
08:17:36 From Evgenia Videnmaier -Zink : Piece of cake
08:18:25 From Liz Hall : If a coachee didn’t know where to start, and asked us…where might be a good place to start?
08:18:42 From Liz Hall : in terms of segment/sector/cake slice
08:22:10 From Alister Scott : I’d just like to say that I hope my comments on the last call didn’t offend – they certainly were not meant to. I could have chosen a better thing to pick on than ‘lipstick’ as an example of “conventional”, especially with its gendered nature and possibly interpreted as bringing some ‘mansplaining’ energy, (which I hope really isn’t me!); this is all part of my rather clumsy grappling with the question of how we as coaches and consultants help change to happen. This includes the uncomfortable question of our own (degree of) complicity in the status quo and all its inequality, unkindnesses and destructiveness. I think this is all telling me that I need to be braver and get out there with the Wheel more and see what happens! Thanks for your tolerance and also your questions and challenges back…all good coaching behaviours.
08:24:18 From Lynn Scott : Anything that offends us teaches us something about ourselves, Alister.
08:24:26 From Liz Hall : indeed, Lynn!
08:24:42 From Alister Scott : That’s very gracious of you, Lynn.
08:24:45 From Lynn Scott : But I do like lipstick
08:24:53 From Alister Scott : So do I!
08:24:54 From Sari Ajanko : Alister. I so appreciated your term ”Vanilla” – really got me thinking who and how I am as a coach.
08:25:31 From Elaine Stephens : Alister, the way you described different companies as conventional or not really got me thinking so I took away some really positive pieces from your descriptions of who I want to work with! Thank you.
08:25:32 From Alister Scott : Thank you Sari, that’s very gracious of you too!
08:29:42 From Alister Scott : Thanks Elaine, that’s very gracious of you too, and good to hear. And thanks Hilary and Liz.
08:32:46 From Sari Ajanko : It would be helpful if others are off camera.
08:51:36 From Sally Kemp : Thank you Hilary and Neil. That was powerful to watch
08:53:57 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : silence
08:54:05 From Liz Hall : less is more
08:54:06 From Sari Ajanko : Being with – and the power of somatic (felt sense).
08:54:10 From Sally Kemp : Giving the coachee space to just be with their feelings
08:54:14 From : access feelings more – “explore fully”
08:54:17 From Lynn Scott : the wheel is a catalyst
08:54:18 From Liz Nottingham : amazing the depth and awareness that is possible in such a short time
08:54:30 From Evgenia Videnmaier -Zink : Ask for permission and reconfirm it
08:54:53 From Alister Scott : Being with, yes and being slow and patient – not quite the right word, more like trusting
08:54:54 From Lynn Scott : use of self as instrument
08:54:57 From Elaine Stephens : watching the integration
08:55:05 From Liz Hall : let the Wheel do the work AND…don’t be a slave to the Wheel
08:55:59 From Lynn Scott : thank you Hilary and Neil.
08:56:19 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : agree with Liz
08:57:48 From Andy Jones : that the coachee can be totally unaware that the wheel is the framework
08:57:57 From Sally Kemp : Good point Andy
08:58:13 From Liz Hall : yes, very good point
09:17:32 From Liz Nottingham : me too!
09:22:44 From Liz Nottingham : there seems to be an addiction to tasks!
09:22:59 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : human….
09:26:28 From Pascale Reinhardt : thank you all folks, I have a session at 10;30 so I get ready! bye bye have a nice day
09:26:45 From Liz Hall : Bye Pascale: hope to see you again soon!
09:26:50 From Liz Nottingham : Go well Pascale -lovely to meet you!
09:27:51 From Sally Kemp : I’m going to have to leave you in a min as I have a 9:30 call. Thank you to Neil, Alister, Liz and colleagues and best wishes to everyone in their exploration of the wheel
09:28:14 From Andy Jones : lovely to see Sally 🙂
09:28:17 From Liz Nottingham : Thank you sally – good to meet you!
09:28:40 From Lynn Scott : big thank you to you Neil for this inspiring conversation
09:28:40 From Liz Nottingham : strike a pose!
09:28:41 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : can I have screen shot and share to LinkedIn in one day
09:28:43 From Sally Kemp : Goodbye everyone – a pleasure to work with yold colleagues and new. Go well!
09:28:53 From Sari Ajanko : Big Thank You to Neil. Big Thank you to everyone!
09:28:57 From Liz Hall : Wonderful being part of this group, and I have a real sense that this is just the beginning of a Neils Wheel informed journey
09:29:02 From Calum Byers : Good bye everyone, Thanks for your sharing.
09:29:12 From iPhone Alison : thank you! goodbye everyone! best wishes!
09:29:30 From Elaine Stephens : Thank you – I’ve very much appreciated being part of this group and the experience. I am really looking forward to using the tool further and it’s also been lovely to meet all your lovely people
09:29:42 From Andy Jones : thank you Neil – lovely to join your ‘Wheel’. And thanks to all in the group – it’s been a great, thought provoking journey. Stay in touch.
09:29:53 From Sari Ajanko : See you in the alumni. Got to go now. <3
09:30:08 From Stephanie Lam, MCC : yes me too. have to go. too. keep in touch[/et_pb_text][/et_pb_column][/et_pb_row][/et_pb_section]
And here is the chat transcript –